“Discover the breathtaking Beeshazari Taal, a Ramsar site popular for birdwatching and also serving as a vital corridor for endangered species, without needing a special permit!”
Escape to the breathtaking Beeshazari Taal-20000 Lake, where nature is at its best. Nestled outside the park boundary, this oasis doesn’t require a special permit and can be enjoyed solo or with a nature guide. This extensive oxbow lake system, situated in the Bufferzone area of Nepal’s inner Terai, has been designated as a Ramsar site since 2003 and is renowned as a bird-watching haven.
The lake is situated at the heart of the Barandabhar Corridor Forest, a vital natural corridor that connects the Siwalik Hills of Chitwan National Park to the Mahabharat Range and beyond. This picturesque forested wetland, home to a myriad of critically endangered and vulnerable species such as Bengal Tigers, Sloth Bears, Crocodiles, Deer, One-horned Rhinoceros, and more, is an exceptional waterhole and wildlife corridor. So, if you’re looking to connect with nature and escape the hustle and bustle of city life, Beeshazari Taal-20,000 Lake is the place to be.
More information about 20,000 Lake visit can be found on this blog.